Wednesday, March 12, 2014

The Top Up Trap | Mixed feeding, bad for you and your baby?

Personally, I haven't tried mixed feeding for my little one. I always stick to my decision even before I gave birth to Miara, that I want to-do exclusive breastfeeding. In my opinion, the more you mix feed, the less milk your body will produce. Every ounce of formula you give is one ounce that you told your body not to produce. Do not fall into the Top Up Trap!

This is the Top Up Trap:  You will feel that your breast milk supply isn't sufficient →  You'll give formula milk to your little one →  Your little one  will be full and will  go to sleep fast. He/she  gets full fast because formula milk comes from cow's milk, (cow's milk are for calf with four stomachs, while our baby only has one little stomach; on the other hand, they sleep fast because most for the energy of their body goes to digesting, it's hard for them to digest the composition of the formula milk). Our bodies are wonderfully designed. Our breast milk supply, goes along with the demand of supply  our baby need. → When you seldom breastfeed your baby → The more your milk will decrease → You'll feel your breast milk supply isn't enough → And this cycle will continue on and on until your breast milk will be unavailable.Many says that they chose formula milk, because when they start giving their  breasts to their little one, their baby doesn't want it and it starts to cry. That can be because of so many different things. Usual causes are nipple confusion and missed hunger cues. When your baby cues that he/she is hungry, go breastfeed! So what can you do to prevent this? Do not use formula. I have nothing against formula milk, but breastmilk is still best for babies. If you give more formula than breastmilk now, don't lose hope, read the story of mommy Donna.Cup feed and do not bottle feed.  Doing bottle-feeding  adds to the factors that affects the appetite of your baby towards your breasts. Why? Because our little ones are having a hard time sucking when we're breastfeeding, bottle-feeding gives is easier because their sucking effortlessly. Thus, this will give them nipple confusion. What will happen next is that they would choose easy bottle-feeding than having a hard time sucking with the breasts.Why cup feeding? In cup feeding, nipple confusion won't exist. When can I start cup feeding? As early as you give birth to your little one. Here's a video.Side note: Breastfeeding is a pre-cursor to chewing and to talking. Breastfed babies has practiced jaws, it will be easier for them shifting to solids and then talking. Another important thing, learn hand-expressing. When you hand express, the more you empty the milk from the breast. The more you empty the milk, the more your body will produce milk.

Do not forget that the stomach of your little is like the size of a marble. He/she do not need much milk. Your colostrum would be enough for your little one's tiny stomach.

Remember, the rule, 1oz per hour until your baby reached 6 months. So for working moms out there, when you leave the house and left 10oz milk for one day, and nothing's left within half the day, it means that they (husband, family member, relative, etc) must have given more than what your baby needs.If your baby  cries, the first thing that comes into your mind is that he/she's hungry right? But there are several issues why your baby is crying, maybe he/she is feeling hot or cold, poop alert, or your little one is just missing his/her mommy. Your baby was in your womb for 9 months. Hugged tight inside, warm, calm--but when he/she comes out, noise everywhere, adjusting to lights, your baby feels alone--he/she misses you, mommy, simply because your baby loves you.I also have nothing against mixed feeding mommies but please remember that the goal is to be able to breastfeed your baby exclusively during the first 6 months or until such time that your baby is ready for solid food.

Happy breastfeeding!

This info is not intended to replace the advice of the doctor. MHM diclaims any liability for the decisions you make based on this info.

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